Another Alien Mishap Production

Willie’s House

As a creative mixed media artist, Willie is always looking for new ways to create and share his unique style and humour. In his newest adventure, he leaps head-first into the world of video content creation and streaming media. Rather than starting small and planning things out, he buys a bunch of cameras and turns his house into an interactive TV studio. Others may dream, but WIllie is already doing it.

Kung Fu For You

This is an early video from 2006 by Dwain Barrick that I recently located online.

YouTube player

Coming soon to a theatre new You; 15 years later. A wee bit slower and smarter — NOT.

The Bits

Short bits, recurring characters & The Official Bud Tester

Interact with us

Online Feedback or participate during the live shows

Viewer Content

Video Contributions and feedback from fans & haters  

The Live Show

On Hiatus until  we schedule for Willie’s work and show life

Always an Artist


Enjoy the ride as Willie shares his life and his home as he evolves, educates and amuses both himself and his audience. Participation is a key component. The evolution is unpredictable. Stay tuned as Willie shares bits of Willie Wisdom, interviews, music and things he finds funny.

Follow the progress.  Even Willie is never totally sure where his imagination will take him.